Frequently asked questions.
What happens to the data I share with Trade Shield?
All data provided by customers to Trade Shield is strictly protected and secured. The data is never directly shared with any other Trade Shield customer nor any other third party. Trade Shield builds models based on all the data it receives, including data from customers. The models are then used to produce the analytical outcomes for each customer on the data they provide – there is no data shared in the process between customers. Furthermore, it is impossible to reverse engineer the analytics outcomes so as to gain access to the data that trained the models.
What promise does Trade Shield make regarding its limit recommendations?
Trade Shield only promises that we will work to increase your profitability in collaboration with your team and under the conditions that the customer implements the recommendations made. Trade Shield takes no responsibility for losses and accepts no liability for the decisions taken. The reason is that customers make the final decision based on configurations and settings that they choose that influence the degree to which they want to accept credit risks. Trade Shield cannot be responsible for a customer’s own strategy and risk appetite. Furthermore, Trade Shield relies on data provided by the customer and their information provider, which we do not control nor are able to provide warranties for.
Does Trade Shield offer advice on credit policies and strategies?
Trade Shield employs a number of credit executives who are experienced in managing credit risk in various industries. We offer their time and services as part of Trade Shield’s offering to assist clients with their own decisions around what credit risks and opportunities they are willing to take.